Create Alerts

Create alerts to notify you when certain market conditions occur. They can help you manage risk on open positions or alert you to opportunities as favorable market conditions appear, depending on the type of conditions you include in the alert.

The Alerts tab, where alerts are created and managed, is found in the Account Details tool.

For more information on using Alerts, visit the Quick Reference Guide.


Start creating an alert in one of 3 ways:

Creating an alert

  1. In the Create Alert window, enter an Alert Name. Name cannot include the | (pipe delimiter) symbol.
  2. Select an Expiration date. The default is the current day, but you can set alerts to expire up to 180 days out. Type in a date or click on the calendar to select a date.
  3. If you want the alert to only last for the current market session, set the expiration date for the current day.

TIP: Active alerts remain active even when you log off. They only deactivate if they expire, or are day orders and the market closes, or are triggered.

  1. If you wish to use a template to automatically fill in portions of the alert, select it from the Templates drop-down and click Load. For more on using templates, see Alert Templates.
  2. Now, set up the Conditions for your alert. For more information about each of the choices available when setting up your alert conditions, see Alert Conditions.
  3. Choose how the software will alert you when your conditions are met by clicking View Notifications. You can either choose the default notification settings or set up one-time-only notification settings. For more information, visit Alert Notifications.
  4. A summary of your alert displays below the Conditions panel showing what the alert will do and when.
  5. Once your alert settings are to your liking, you can either choose Activate Alert, Save as Template, and/or save as a template to a file .
  6. If you want to start over, click Clear. Otherwise, to take no action and close the Create Alert window, click Cancel Alert.